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Tips for Vacationing At Home

This summer is one that is different for all of us. Whether your planned vacation was canceled due to the pandemic, a shift in your financials, or your goal to stay in line with CDC recommendations, we’re all feeling a little bummed. If you’re looking for a way to lift you and your family’s spirit, […]

Shedding Tips

Many of us have gained new coworkers over the past couple of weeks – our pets. While things have changed, one thing sure didn’t, and that’s their shedding. When it comes to our animals, cats and dogs alike, there’s one thing that usually has us all frustrated – the hair.  And then there’s the home […]

Thank You Letter

Dear Valued Client, As Virginia gradually begins to reopen, we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your commitment to continuing service with Kathleen’s Cleaning Service.  Because of loyal clients like you, Kathleen’s employees were able to continue to feed their families and pay their bills throughout this difficult and challenging time. […]

10 Quarantine Activities for Kids

We love our kids, but many of us are running out of ways to keep them preoccupied in between possible schoolwork or your own work. You can only watch Frozen 2 so many times. . . While we’re thankful for streaming services, it’s also important to have engaging activities that will have the whole family […]

An Easy Guide to Spring Cleaning

In case you’re not sure what day of the week it is, a few things are definitely still true:  1.You should shower today. 2.It’s time for spring cleaning!  With the government’s social distancing guidelines, many of us are spending more time in our homes than ever before. It’s time to stop ignoring the mess in […]

PuroClean: The Paramedics of Property Damage

Cleanliness is always a top priority at Kathleen’s. It’s literally what we do! And it’s what our friends at PuroClean do too! Founded in 2001, they’ve been offering award-winning residential and commercial restoration services, including clean-up after destructive events and traumatic scenes. All their experience has earned them the title “Paramedics of Property Damage”. PuroClean […]

A Note to Our Customers

Due to the increase of the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to remind you of the precautions our company has implemented to keep you and our employees safe. We have changed our policy now to require our staff to wear masks and gloves in your home at all times.  You will find […]

Disinfecting Your Home

As the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues throughout the US taking steps to prevent transmission is crucial. With many families spending more time at home, here are some tips to disinfect your living space:     You should … Clean AND disinfect daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, […]

10 Tips to Get your Home Ready for the Market

Congratulations, you’re selling your home! But now you have to get it ready for potential buyers—not to mention taking care of your kids, pets, work, and of course, finding your next home. But have no fear, we’ve asked Real Estate Professional, Cassie Dickerson, to weigh in on how to get your house in tip-top shape. […]

Start the New Year right: Declutter your home!

It’s the beginning of a new decade! The most motivated among us have already kicked their resolutions into high gear, but if you’re anything like us, you might still be staring at the wreckage from the “holiday tornado” that’s torn through your home. Decluttering your living space might seem overwhelming, but it’s a great way […]