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What’s a Professional Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning Service?

Professional Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning Service

According to the United States Census Bureau, one person in the United States can expect to move at least 11.7 times in their lifetime.

If you’re currently in the process of moving, congratulations! Moving is exciting, daunting, and of course, stressful. With all the stress of moving, the last thing you need to worry about is cleaning your home before move-in/move-out day.

The good news is you can hire a service that does all the cleaning for you! A move-in/move-out cleaning service will clean your old or new home top-to-bottom and back-to-front.

Learn more about these services, who benefit from them, and why you should choose us for your next move.

What Is Move-in Move-Out Cleaning?

Put simply, this type of service offers a comprehensive deep cleaning of a residential property. Deep cleaning can include washing, wiping, scrubbing, vacuuming, and dusting the entire place. This may involve cleaning windows, cabinets, walls, ceilings, curtains, blinds, benches, vents, and fixtures.

Professional cleaning services are a god-send when you’re short on time before or after moving home. For most people, move-in and move-out cleaning prices are affordable and outweigh the hassle and stress of cleaning themselves.

Who Benefits From Move-in and Move-Out Cleaning Services?

The good thing about professional cleaning services is that they benefit almost everyone. But the three main big winners are:

No matter how often you try to talk yourself out of it, cleaning does matter.

For landlords, hiring professional cleaners will spotlessly clean newly emptied spaces and greatly impress prospective tenants. For renters, a professional cleaning will ensure you receive your deposit back and that your new home is free of possible bacteria and dust. For homeowners, hiring cleaning services may help your current home sell and improve the cleanliness of your new home.

No matter which way you look at it, move-in/move-out services benefit everyone (including the company itself!).

Why You Should Consider House Cleaning Move-In/Out Services

Moving is considered one of life’s biggest stresses. If you’re preparing to move to a new home, the last thing you’re thinking about is cleaning.

But the truth is that cleaning is a big part of moving out and moving in. It can be the difference between selling your home and enjoying your new one. Read on to learn why you should hire a cleaning service if you plan to say goodbye to your old home and hello to your new one.

Sell a Home Faster

Have you ever attended a home inspection and found the place in a terrible condition? We’re talking dusty cabinetry, stained carpet, and sticky tiles. It’s unpleasant and a major turn-off.

If you’re planning on selling your home fast, hiring a move-out cleaning service will ensure it’s in tip-top condition for walk-throughs. A clean house is more likely to attract people and increase your chance of getting the price you are looking for. It will also free up time to spend less on cleaning and more time concentrating on negotiating the price of a new home.

Reduce Moving Stress

Moving is always more work than you envision it will be. There’s decluttering, packing, changing address details, moving schools, and informing friends and family. Not to mention the stress of starting a new job and finding a new home!

Why not say goodbye to added stress and hire someone to do the work for you. Unless you’re an avid cleaner, a professional cleaning team is more likely to do the job to a higher standard.

Get Back Your Deposit

Renters, rejoice! Move-out cleaning services benefit you too! Deep cleaning your rental home or apartment will ensure you get your deposit back. As you very well know, deposits aren’t cheap.

If you move out of a dirty rental, your landlord is unlikely to return your security deposit in full. A spotless apartment makes it easier to receive your deposit back and use it toward your new home. It will also leave you in good standing with your landlord, who will likely give you a good reference if you choose to rent again.

Start Fresh

Have you ever entered a new home and noticed the previous owners or tenants didn’t bother to clean it? This has happened to almost everyone at one point in their lives. Marks on walls, stains on the carpet, and if you’re super unlucky, mouse droppings on the kitchen bench.

The good news is that it doesn’t always have to be like this. A professional cleaner will cover all the nooks and crannies you or the previous owner missed. While it might not be as bad as mouse droppings, there’s nothing better than walking into a new home without worrying about dust, dirt, and allergins causing havoc on your fresh start!

Ensure the Job Is Done Right

Unless you’re a professional cleaner, it’s unlikely you know the best ways to clean different surfaces and tough stains. Professional cleaners are trained in various cleaning jobs with specialized equipment to tackle them. If you can’t move that wine stain from your carpet, you can rest assured that a professional cleaner can!

Book Your Move-in and Move-Out Cleaning Service Today

Make your life easier with professional move-in/move-out cleaning services. Hiring the cleaning experts will ensure your old home is clean before you leave or your new home is clean before you arrive.

Kathleen’s Cleaning Service provides complete top-to-bottom move-in/move-out cleaning services to your home. We also provide a general once-over welcome home clean and market-ready cleans to give your home the best chance of a sale! Our hardworking cleaning technicians are trained to ensure a consistent and eco-friendly cleaning of your home.

Got pets? Tell us, and we’ll pay close attention to excess hair and dirt. Just tell us your move-in/move-out cleaning checklist, and we’ll tick them off one-by-one.

Because whatever you need to be cleaned, you can call the girls in green!

Request a quote today!