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Kitchen Cleaning Tip Guide for Homeowners

You’ve been putting it off for ages now. You know that you need to conquer it, but it seems overwhelming, and it gets more overwhelming as time goes on. That’s right: it’s time to clean the kitchen.

Kitchens seem to get messy overnight, no matter how well you clean them. Every time you cook, there’s something new to clean, and if you’re a messy cook (we’ve been there), you might have even more work on your hands.

Do you need a kitchen cleaning tip guide to help your current or future mess situation?

Scrubbing the stove, cleaning dishes, wiping off countertops: these things barely scratch the surface. But, if you don’t stay on top of it, your kitchen will become a mountain of grime.

We’re here to help. Whether you’re moving into a new house or cleaning the one that you have, keep reading for a quick and easy guide for how to clean your kitchen without stressing yourself out.

Declutter the Pantry and Cabinets

How many items have you accumulated over the past year (or even past years)? Are you afraid to look? Are the backs of your cabinets beyond your line of vision?

It’s time to get in there.

Remove everything from the cabinets or pantry and place it all on the counter. If you need extra space, don’t be afraid to put packaged goods on the floor. Go item-by-item and check expiration dates.

Everything that’s too old goes into the trash.

Also, look for things that you have multiples of. Is there anything that you can consolidate into one container?

Wipe down the shelves and brush out any debris. It’s common to find some stray sugar, pasta, or rice lurking in the corners.

When it’s time to put things back, make sure that you create an organization method. It’s a good idea to mark shelves with labels, so you always know where to find your products.

Clean Out That Refrigerator

The refrigerator is often the most daunting part of any cleaning session, but it doesn’t have to be. Once you get it out of the way, it’s easy to maintain if you can start the process by disconnecting the refrigerator from its power source.

As with the cabinets, take everything out of the refrigerator and freezer. Start with freezer items. Throw out everything that’s too old or that you’re never going to use.

It’s a good idea to get into the habit of labeling leftovers with dates. This helps you determine when it’s time to get rid of it.

Make sure nothing has freezer burn.

Wipe down the inside of the freezer, and don’t forget the shelves. After this, put everything back where it belongs.

You’ll follow the same process with the refrigerator. If you don’t remember when something went into the fridge, it’s a good idea to throw it out. When in doubt, do the smell test.

If your shelves and drawers are removable, take them out to scrub them.

When it’s time to put everything back, make sure that everything has a “place.” This helps you stay organized in the future.

Start Wiping Surfaces

After everything is where it needs to be, you can start wiping down your countertops and stove. You want to do this before you work on the floors so that any debris gets cleaned up later. You don’t want to clean the floors twice!

It’s a good idea to brush off the countertops first before wiping them down with your normal cleaning products. This way, you don’t have to drag crumbs over your counter.

This is also when you’re going to clean your stove. If the lid of your stove comes up, make sure that you get underneath it. It’s normal for food to fall through.

For tough grime, consider a DIY stovetop cleaner. Avoid coil burners.

Conquering the Floors

Now it’s time for those pesky floors. If you haven’t done this in a while, it’s a multi-step process.

First, sweep. You may need to get to floor-level to get into all of the cracks and crevices beneath your counters and appliances. Ensure that you remove any rugs before you start (and vacuum the rugs while you’re at it).

If you have a vacuum that’s good for hard floors, it’s not a bad idea to run it at this time.

After this, make sure that you mop. You may need a more heavy-duty cleaning solution if you haven’t mopped in a while.

Ensure that you start from the counters and move out towards the door, so you don’t have to walk across wet floors.

Keeping It Clean

Once your kitchen is clean, keeping it clean is the next great challenge. This is one of the top expert tips for kitchen cleaning, especially for new homeowners.

Make sure that you take inventory of your current products before you go grocery shopping. Not only will this help you avoid buying things that you don’t need, but it will also save you money!

Label your leftovers and shelves to ensure that you know where everything goes and when it went there. This helps you avoid rotting food and clutter in the future.

Do a quick cleaning session every day. It’s a good idea to clean as you go, meaning that you wash dishes before they pile up, and you wipe countertops while food is cooking.

If you keep your kitchen tidy after a kitchen deep clean, you won’t have to do another deep cleaning session anytime soon.

Which Kitchen Cleaning Tip Is the Most Helpful?

Use this kitchen cleaning tip guide to get your kitchen in tip-top condition. It’s a large task, but once you’re finished, you’ll feel accomplished!

Does all of this sound too overwhelming to you? We’ve been there. Why not get some help?

Whether you need a one-time cleaning session or want someone to come by for maintenance cleaning, we want to make your home spotless. Request a quote from us at Kathleen’s Cleaning service so we can make your kitchen sparkle!