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These Housekeeping Tips Will Make You the Envy of All Your Neighbors

Unless you’ve been living under a rock—or under the weight of the piles of clutter in your home—you’ve probably heard about Marie Kondo’s new tidiness trend. The popular cleaning guru’s housekeeping tips have inspired people around the world to toss unwanted items and to clean their homes for good. But if your home looks more […]

5 Reasons You Need to Hire Recurring Maid Services

Do you ever feel like too much of your life is wasted on cleaning your home? From cleaning the kitchen counters to getting dog hair off the sofa, most of us spend at least a bit of time doing chores every day. But how much time are you really spending on these tasks? According to […]

Top Tips to Stay On Top of Your House Cleaning

It’s 6 A.M. Your alarm clock just went off, and it’s time to get ready for work. You get out of bed to turn the light switch on when – bam – you step on your son’s Lego. While you’re still in seething pain, you keep walking only to hit your shin on your daughter’s […]

What Is Recurring Cleaning and How Can It Benefit You?

The average American dedicates almost a full day’s worth of time to cleaning each month. That’s nearly 6 hours every week. About 70% of people feel housework causes them to miss out on time with their family. Instead of letting housekeeping steal time from your week, consider recurring cleaning services. What exactly is recurring cleaning, […]

House Cleaning Tip: Know When To Call a Professional

Have you been struggling to keep your home as clean as you’d like it to be? Do you find yourself constantly searching for a good house cleaning tip or two? Although house cleaning is something that should be done on a regular basis, it’s not always realistic for a homeowner to keep up with. This […]

How Often Should You Do a Bathroom Deep Cleaning?

Did you know that your shower curtain and shower floor have 60 times more bacteria than your toilet seat? Are you wondering how to get your bathroom clean and minimize these germs? It’s hard to imagine getting clean when you know all those germs are lurking about. How often should you do you need to […]

Kitchen Cleaning Tip Guide for Homeowners

You’ve been putting it off for ages now. You know that you need to conquer it, but it seems overwhelming, and it gets more overwhelming as time goes on. That’s right: it’s time to clean the kitchen. Kitchens seem to get messy overnight, no matter how well you clean them. Every time you cook, there’s […]

5 Maid Hiring Tips for Any Homeowner

Dust is everywhere. It’s on your countertops, your floors, and your ceiling. You can try scrubbing it away, or you can get a maid. Nearly 800,000 Americans work as maids. This gives you plenty of options. But it makes how to find a maid a little difficult. What are some maid hiring tips you should follow? […]

The Benefits of Hiring Professional Cleaning Services

The average American spends a whopping six hours every week to keep their house clean. Perhaps you’ve realized that you no longer have the time or energy to dedicate to this task. As such, you’re considering hiring professional cleaning services. You still need to be fully convinced. What’s the benefit of hiring house cleaners? There are so […]

10 Surprising Benefits of Having a Clean Home

According to the American Cleaning Institute, every 1 in 4 American adults doesn’t think they clean properly. 33% of adults don’t think they clean often enough. Are you one of the many people who don’t clean their homes as often as they’d like? There are many benefits to house cleaning, some of them will be discussed […]