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Areas to Declutter and Organize Before Fall

Areas to Declutter and Organize Before Fall

With busy schedules, homes can become unorganized and in need of some time set aside to declutter. To help you decide where to start and what areas to focus on, we’ve made a brief list of tried-and-true tips. Keep these in mind as you think about moving toward your goals to get specific areas organized and tidy.

1) Closets are a good area to focus on even though they’re out of view. Utilizing closet space can greatly benefit keeping other areas organized since closets are ideal for storage. Oftentimes closets can accumulate lots of clutter, such as rarely used clothing items and boxes.

Start by taking a look at what’s in there and if you see shoes and other miscellaneous belongings that are taking up space, consider moving some items to an attic or garage for long-term storage. When closets are decluttered and used for short-term storage of everyday items, such as rain gear, coats, and cleaning supplies, it can help the surrounding rooms function better.

2) Pantries and cabinets tend to collect unused items. Throughout the busy summer, your cabinets and pantry can get overlooked and accumulate a surprising amount of clutter. When pantries are cleared out, allowing room for food storage and other kitchen/dining items, it helps your entire kitchen workspace stay organized so it flows smoothly.

Cabinets may get cluttered with old food storage containers or unused dishes. These items that take up a lot of space can be placed in a storage box and put in the garage or attic for later use.

3) Porches and exterior entertainment areas can benefit from reorganizing. Exterior spaces can become unorganized as you go about your daily activities, resulting in an almost unusable area. If you’ve noticed a pile-up of items such as old planters, or outdoor miscellaneous garden items on decks and patios, take a little time to sort through what’s still being used and which items could be stored elsewhere.

Try removing everything you can safely clear, including all patio furniture to get a thorough cleaning around and underneath. After decluttering the area you’ll be left with a more organized exterior space allowing you to see what you want to keep for your fall decor and what can be stored away.

A clean, clutter-free home has a way of easing your mind, and organizing your home results in a space that meets your needs. A professional cleaning service can help you stay on track so your housekeeping goals don’t fall behind.

We understand life gets busy and sometimes a little (or a lot) of help may be just what you need to declutter and organize for the fall season after a long summer.

Call Kathleen’s Cleaning Service for all your cleaning needs. We have two locations: Virginia residents can call (804) 729-7401 and residents in Florida can call our Pinellas County location at (727) 377-5522. Our experienced, reliable staff is here to help with those time-consuming cleaning tasks so you can concentrate on other daily activities and planning some seasonal fall fun.